Title: DogMan (2023)

In DogMan (2023), director Luc Besson delves into the harrowing tale of Douglas, a man haunted by the shadows of his past. From his traumatic childhood marred by abuse and neglect, Douglas finds solace in the unlikely companionship of a pack of dogs who become his steadfast protectors. Yet, the scars of his upbringing run deep, driving him to the fringes of society as he grapples with the demons that threaten to consume him. As Douglas descends into the abyss of his own madness, the line between predator and prey blurs, unleashing a wave of violence that reverberates through the darkness.


In DogMan (2023), Besson weaves a chilling narrative that explores the complexities of trauma, survival, and the primal instincts that lie dormant within us all. With stunning cinematography and a haunting musical score, the film immerses audiences in a visceral journey through the depths of the human psyche.