In “Itsy Bitsy,” Kara, a single mother and private nurse, relocates with her two children to the serene countryside to care for an elderly man afflicted with multiple sclerosis. As they settle into their new home, strange occurrences begin to unfold after Kara’s son, Jesse, stumbles upon an enigmatic relic within the old man’s residence. Soon, they find themselves confronting horrifying entities that have been unleashed.

Genres: Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Thriller

IMDB Rating: 8.1/10 from 15 Users

Director(s): Micah Gallo

Stars: Bruce Davison, Elizabeth Roberts, Denise Crosby

Runtime: 1 hour 34 minutes

Release Date: 2020 (USA)

Resolution: 1920×798

Language: English

Subtitle: English

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